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Made Whole Health Coaching

One-on-one coaching: Health and wellness lifestyle coaching

In our fast-paced society, many people live on the edge and pay the cost of their health by skimping on sleep, eating “out of the box” fast foods, little to no exercise, and being stressed on all fronts. The results of living on the edge are seen in the rising rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, anxiety and depression, cancer, and addictions. Made Whole’s one-on-one Health and Wellness Lifestyle Coaching is designed to assist people to embrace healthy lifestyle practices which can prevent, reverse, and improve lifestyle-acquired diseases.

My health and wellness lifestyle coaching uses the acronym DESTINY to help clients navigate on the road to better health.

    • D- Divine Trust
    • E- Exercise
    • S- Sunshine and Air
    • T- Temperance
    • I -Increase Water
    • N- Nutrition
    • Y- Your Nightly Rest

Give me 7 weeks and I will give you the 7steps in designing your destiny to optimum health.  These steps are evidence-based scientific principles that will bring the body back to balance to create optimum health and wellness.

The process of helping clients to achieve health and wellness consists of the following four phases:

  1. Assessment Phase: assessment of current and previous lifestyle behaviours, identify problems areas, explore client goals

  2. Evaluation, Goals and Planning Phase: collaborative evaluation of lifestyle practices, assess client’s understanding and program readiness, collaborative planning, and prioritize steps to reach goals

  3. Education, Intervention and Implementation Phase: this phase involves education regarding the impact of current lifestyle practices, benefits of change, steps to change, the 7-Steps Destiny interventions, and education, regarding the science behind these interventions and guidance with implementing the interventions.   

  4. Process Evaluation Phase - short-term, long-term intervention evaluation, follow-up monthly community group online platform to empower clients with tools for long-term success.


The information on this website, presentations, coaching and other materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. As with any medical or psychiatric condition, please seek professional advice. Darlene is a health and wellness lifestyle coach. The information presented is for educational purposes. It is based on her research, experiences and Biblical principles. For individuals with medical matters and emergencies, please get in touch with your medical professional.