
Darlene’s Story

Wholeness involves the entire person, mind, body, spirit, social and emotional well-being. If one of these areas is missing, we are “out of balance.” A state of imbalance can lead to issues later in life or cause individuals to fail to achieve their best in life.

Hi, I’m Darlene. I once lived in a stressful, chaotic environment, had terrible lifestyle habits, I was anxious and sad, and felt alienated from others. I was out of balance. According to statistical analysis and the laws of probability, predictions favored that I would become a drug addict, an alcoholic, or psychotic in and out of mental institutions. I grew up with many odds against me. I survived and did not incur any of the above. But I was not unscathed.

I had multiple medical problems, was bullied as a child, suffered from mental depression and social rejection, and like 70-80% of Americans incurred pain from family dysfunction. However, I overcame the odds and went from barely surviving to thriving. But was I thriving? At the time, I thought so. On my journey to wholeness, I achieved good health (weight loss, freedom from 18 medical problems), freedom from depression, being socially involved, and being more outgoing, but I was still off-balance. Something was missing. 

With all my success, I had never tapped into the emotional part of my being, the reason why I became overweight, why I had medical problems, and depression. It was not until I dealt with my thoughts, feelings, and emotions from the past that I became the person I was intended to be.

Every day I meet people who are “off-balance,” barely existing, going through life on a half-empty tank when it should be full. We were designed to thrive, enjoy peak performance, and engage in life physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. I never want to go back to how I used to be. I now know what it feels like to be Made Whole, set free, and enjoy the real me. My goal is to help people unravel the issues in their lives, set free, and be Made Whole.

Darlene Hall RN, MPH, has worked in the field of medicine for over 30 years. She is a nurse, teacher, health educator, author of the book “Mind, Body, God Connection” and the Founder of Made Whole. Darlene resides in Northern California.


The information on this website, presentations, coaching and other materials is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. As with any medical or psychiatric condition, please seek professional advice. Darlene is a health and wellness lifestyle coach. The information presented is for educational purposes. It is based on her research, experiences and Biblical principles. For individuals with medical matters and emergencies, please get in touch with your medical professional.